Thursday, 15 January 2015

Dealing with your inner critic

So, this year I've decided to start some new habits, riding on a wave of postive energy and great learning experiences from last year.

My journey, from being totally stressed out to finding a more positive and encouraging outlook, is still a work in progress, but one of the most important steps was finding a way to deal with my inner critic. In my experience, you can't move forward if your inner critic keeps calling you out on your mistakes and your lack of competence. When I was unemployed my inner critic was definitely not in the mood to keep quiet, so it took me some time to find a way to deal with it.

 In this article author and speaker, Denise Jakobs, does a wonderful job explaining how your inner critic works, and how you can deal with it. She also talks about what contributes to our inner critics:
When explained like this, it makes perfect sense to me why you should deal with your inner critic instead of trying to fight it. (After all, it's only trying to look out for you.) It also raises the question: What do I say that feeds other people's inner critic? After reading the article I've been much more aware of how my words can either contribute to an inner critic or help disarming it just a little.

I'd love to know how you deal with your inner critic, and if you have any tips or tricks for people who struggle with their own.

Also, read my blogpost on how to talk to someone who is unemployed.

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