Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Great documentaries

Bored out of your mind? I promise, these movies are worth you're time. They are not listed in any particular order, and they are very different in terms of style and content, but they are all amazing movies, so I  thought I'd share them with you.

Born into Brothels

I first watched this a few years back in uni and I still find it incredibly heartwarming and tragic. The two filmmakers Zana Briski and Ross Kaufman follows the children in the red light district of Calcutta, while Zana, who's also a photographer, teaches the children photography. The movie offers a very rare insight into the children's lives, good and bad, in one of the toughest places you can ever imagine growing up. 


This is so adorable, my ovaries nearly exploded. The movie simply follows four babies, from  four different countries, in their first years. There's not a plot or a story line or any real dialogue. It's just babies growing up, and it's the cutest thing ever.

A Complete History of My Sexual Failures

I suspect people, who like The Inbetweeners, will love this movie. It's just so tragicomical, you will cringe every fiber in your body through the entire movie. The director, Chris Waitt, made this movie about his tragic love life and in the process he interviews his ex-girlfriends, experiments with internet dating, and gets advice from his mom. It makes you want to laugh out loud and look away in embarrassment at the same time.

Bobby Fischer Against the World

My knowledge of Bobby Fischer was limited to "some guy, who played chess in the '70s", so you can imagine my excitement when I started watching this movie... However, it's first and foremost a tragic tale of a genius, who became one of the most celebrated heros of the cold war, before having a massive(!) downfall. I'm still puzzled by the fact that I was on the edge of my seat watching a documentary about a chess player, but I really was and that in itself makes it a remarkable movie.

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