Monday, 12 January 2015

New Year's status and habits

First of all: HAPPY 2015! Even thought I might be a little late I'm still in the positive spirit of New Year's and everything that comes along with it. To kick off my first week of blogging in 2015, I have a series of new year's post, including this look back on 2014, and thoughts on 2015.

A look back at 2014:
I have learned SO much this past year, I don't even know where to begin. But the most important lesson is probably the one stated above. I can't even remember, where I found the quote, but it is my year in a nutshell: First of all I have stopped making mental scoreboards, which I used to do all the time: E.g. getting a job was one point. No job was zero points. So, I practically woke up every morning with no points and went to bed with no points. Depressing? You have no idea!

Things first started to change when I got a job coach, who supported me and gave me confidence and a new perspective on my skills. Without going into too much detail, I can only say that her help and support has meant the world to me, and I'm truly grateful. The whole experience turned my perspective 180 degrees, and I went from my mental scoreboard to treating everything as a learning experience, and people around me as " life teachers". I know it's very hippie-like, but it really works for me. If I want to find out about something new, I find someone who knows about it and contact them! If I want to try something different that really scares me, I try to overcome the fear and think that even if it's a complete failure, I have gained valuable lesson. A BIG disclaimer: This transformation didn't come overnight. It took me six months, a lot of coaching, and difficult mental re-wiring to get to this place. However, it's great place to be and start off a new year.

Plans for 2015
Hopefully this year will not be as much of a mental re-wiring process, but there are still things I want to work on and improve. After reading this fantastic post about 5 Ideas to create an amazing 2015 I was really inspired. Especially the first point is something I'd like to live by this year: Create habits, not goals or resolutions!

To make things easier, I have four areas, which I want to work on this year:

Hopefully, working my habits in these four areas will make 2015 an even better year, and whatever I find particularly inspiring and helpful, I will post here.

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