Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Workforce Wednesday // The achievement list

My wonderful friend, Kristian, gave me this tip a while ago. I've been using it every week since I started work, and I thought I would share it with you.

How do you know what you specifically have achieved at work? In my previous jobs and at uni I had given it some thought, but I had never put it down in writing. But that's exactly what Kristian does: Every month he writes down the projects he's been working on, what his specific responsibilities and tasks were, and how the project's have added value to the company. That way he keeps track of his achievements.

I've started writing my achievements down on a weekly basis, just for a start, and so far it's been a really helpful. Not only is it nice to have a list of achievements by the end week; I also use it as a track list of what skills and qualification I use, and when I use them.

'The achievement list' might be the simplest tool ever, but it works really well, and I can definitely recommend it to everyone. If you are a student this can be a building block for your future resume, and if you're already working this can be a good document to have, when you're talking pay and future job tasks with your boss.

Photo via

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